Meso Theraphy

Injecting confidence

Mesotherapy is the technique of non-surgical treatment by which loss of hair can be treated, and hair re-growth occurs within a couple of days. It involves injecting certain nutrient-rich liquid into the mesoderm of the scalp which helps in reviving the hair follicles, thus, promoting hair growth.

Deepanjali salon meso therapy treatment offers high quality techniques and methods adopted by us using highly world-class and up-to-date technology. Our experienced qualified therapists advise you based on your skin type and hair condition by providing an honest and realistic outcome in the consultation, depending on your needs and budget.

Moreover, at an affordable cost, you can quickly treat your hair loss problem without any side-effects.

For Deepanjali, it’s not about injecting nutrients; it’s about instilling and injecting your lost confidence with beautiful, natural looking hair.


  • Safe as process is done under expert supervision

  •  Non-surgical, relatively painless injection technique  

  • First-class, modern technology

  • No dressing or local anesthesia required

  • Post-treatment support

PLEASE NOTE *Individual results may vary


  • Hair restoration and growth

  •  Injects protein, vitamins & minerals

  •  Virtually painless

  • Requires no/minimal post-operative recovery time

  • Stimulates blood circulation 

Why Deepanjali?

  • Accredited services

  • Undertaken by hair experts

  • Result based program 

  • Personal care, tailored to your specific needs

  •  Complete post care advisory from our consultantss

  • Getting hair therapy doesn’t cost a fortune

Meso Therapy

Meso Therapy



Injecting confidenceMesotherapy is the technique of non-surgical treatment by which loss of hair can..

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